WHO          WHAT           WHERE


Often seen rolling with a spray can in a mini van, she drives this team of young ones to greatness so she doesn’t have to flex her 34 years of design governance at Warner Bros. Records, Disney, Mattel, Nestlé, and Dole, to solve all the problems, but she could. Her rally cries are “Go Blue!” – often heard by no one in particular, and “Go Vote!” – which she prays is heard by everyone in 2020.



This Valley girl has been a creative director since she was 5, just ask her mom. (see above) She’s as adept with a micron pen as she is with an abstract thought, making her a force inside a brainstorm. Like a Tesla coil she pulls energy out of thin air and twists it into a new concept before you’re done reading the instructions. After spending time body painting in Ashland, OR, she finished her BA at UO, Eugene in 2017.


A wiz at the Adobe Creative Suite, her swift hands can vectorize even the toughest shape with ease. Be it her new typography or a logo, she’ll do whatever you please. Double teaming between attending RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) and work, you’ll find her walking up Watermen Street in Providence, pizza in hand, at all hours of the day, proving that artists need no sleep and eat only cheese.



He quietly analyzes us with his psych degree from UC Boulder, and with the same aplomb, he proactively manages our mania behind the scenes keeping our 

Slack conversations witty and on topic. He likes the idea of being a figure head for clients, a Sterling to our Cooper sans martini, as he works to grow the business.


His hand skills were honed somewhere between studying Hiroshi Yoshida prints and designing his Dungeons and Dragons characters. His game playing gives him an edge in strategy sessions, helping him see the big picture for that kingdom you’re building. He graduated from CU with Avery, with a BA in art.


Her fine arts degree from Oregon equips her to pick up any medium with a steady hand. At home with glue and glitter or a brush, she can teach as well as sketch and can be found doing so working at a homeless shelter or a continuation high school when not painting with us. Always the honor student, she is learning the Creative Suite to master yet another medium.

email • info@orange34design.com